Lord Jiro ap Dauli

Lord Jiro ap Dauli

Jiro is the second born son of Lord Eito ap Dauli and is the first sorcerer born to his line.   He is very much a "pristinely gifted" Invoker with little practical skills outside of burning things or hitting things. He has fewer social graces. But he has the family's signature heterchromia is social proof in both the Dauli Bloodline and House Gruffyl.   Jiro is currently a Fang Warrior owing direct fealty to Count Rohdri ap Gruffyl. He is usually near Rohdri, unless Rohdri is in the middle of something diplomatic in which case he gets the Dursley treatment.   It was never formally announced, but it was Rohdri's intention to marry Brigid off to Jiro as a reward for his service. This of course was the last straw for Brigid, prompting her to sever her ties to House Gruffyl and join up with Kormatin.  
Year of Birth
1810 CE 28 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Maylar's Zodiac Year and Month
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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