Lord Eito ap Dauli

Lord Eito ap Dauli

Lord Eito was the second born child of Baroness Kagami ap Dauli having been born roughly ten minutes after his twin sister Lady Chiyemi. It was often said, only half in jest that he was "the good twin".   He certainly was the more passive and less ambitious twin though given his sister's suspicious death, a whisper he might have been responsible since he gained her title claim.   As the new heir apparent to his mother's Baronial title, he has gradually taking on more and more duties to managing to the realm. Given that Baroness Kagami is quite old now, Lord Eito has been effectively running the realm as the de facto Baron in all but name for over ten years.   Lord Eito is a very competant manager and is generally described as being warm and personable by those who meet him. Whether genuine or an elaborate act, Lord Eito seems to genuinely care for the well being of the citizens of his family barony.   He is a fairly undewhelming sorcerer for his age. He has demonstrated that he is capable of casting second circle Transmutation and Divination spells.   He married a "wild" sorcress with no House or Bloodline. They had five children including a sorcerer and a sorceress.      


Lord Eito ap Dauli

twin brother (Important)

Towards Lady Chiyemi ap Dauli



Lady Chiyemi ap Dauli

twin sister (Important)

Towards Lord Eito ap Dauli



Year of Birth
1784 CE 54 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mera's Zodiac Year, Greymoria's Zodiac Month
Lady Chiyemi ap Dauli (twin sister)
normal matching human eyes

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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