Merchant Prince Gawel Chiwosk

Merchant Prince Gawel Chiwosk

Gawel Chiwosk is the third Chiwosk to hold the title of merchant prince of Centrum.   He is from a long line of greedy misers, but he seems to be reform minded, though he claims lowering taxes and loosening business restrictions well net him and the realm as a whole more money in the future.   He has a reputation for being a mincing, weaselly weakling.   He is concerned that if Fumaya falls or even gets invaded, Centrum will get pincered between the Swynfaredians and Uwcharedia and annexed. He has annoyed King Henryk Linijka by trying to push a very one-sided mutual defense treaty on him in the face of the Swynfaredian threat.
Year of Birth
1802 CE 36 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Map of the Border Baronies by Pendrake
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