Sedentary Rovers

Sedentary Rovers are Nami priests and priestesses that mostly stick to one temple or the areas near them. Some Rovers view temple duty as enjoyable while others view temple duty as a burden. All Rovers view temple duty as important. Without safe places to rest, share news, and train, the Rovers would be a lot less effective and comfortable if they did not have temples to find succor in.   Some Sedentary Rovers are non-conformists to Nami’s worshipers and they don’t want to travel. A lot of Sedentary Rovers are either very old or very young. Older Rovers are often not as vigorous as they used to be, so they settle down to finish their lives and careers in a single temple. Many of these Rovers have a treasure trove of lore and amusing anecdotes from their youth.   Sometimes new recruits are put on temple duty against their will. First, it teaches humility. Second, it lets a young Rover learn from several mentors passing through as opposed to just a single mentor.   Not every Rover on temple duty is a Sedentary Rover. A lot of Rovers just opt to be sedentary for a few months a year to pay their obligation to the priesthood forward but they don't build their whole lives around serving "temple duty."
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Cover image: by Me with Midjourney


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