
"Scaraqua has vents with more stronger and smoother vinumaca than in Stupralla, but Stupralla happens to be in warm shallow water. Most comparable vents are located in remote, dangerous, or barren locations, mostly claimed astalakians and the occasional bold Ojiongo clan.   Stupralla has a series of vents in warm, shallow, fertile, and above all comfortable waters in a fairly centralized location. So naturally merfolk swarm here like hagfish on a whale carcass.   If you don't mind the crowds, you can find useful contacts here as this outpost attracts all sorts of visitor."   Morrisak, astalakian adventurer
  Stupralla is the vinumaca capital of the Sea of Enosha and by extension the vinumaca capital of the Oshamni Empire.   In layman's terms, there are numerous vents that release bubbles that are toxic enough to make a Scaraquan tipsy but not enough to kill them (unless they swim into an accident or die of liver disease years later).

Industry & Trade

"Stupralla maybe sunny and shallow in the physical world, but spiritually, it is a deep trench of darkness.   There are many hardworking merchants and craftsfish plying honest trades here but unfortunately these upstanding Scaraquans merely provide a reef of legimitacy for more nefarious swimmers to hide among.   Smugglers, thiefs, prostitutes, gamblers, and throat biters would be enough if it were not for the fact that this is a trench of not just sin but blasphemy as well. Heretics swim here in plain sight espousing the darkest form of Kontona and Bellusk worship among other forbidden faiths among other blasphemers who also sell their malefic magical services to the highest bidder.   -Lemaris, Merman priest of the Seeyirah


The area was part of a mostly forgotten astalakian kingdom. It was conquered by the Oshamni Empire fairly early in it's history.   As the Oshamni Empire because more organized and influential, more and visitors of all sorts passed through the area and this became a popular recreational stop for the intoxicants.   In addition to the natural vents, entrepreneurs took advantage of the traffic to sell alcohol, "Kontona's hair" and other types of vinumaca. This also attracted brothels, gambling dens, and other houses of ill repute. Eventually, more respectable businesses grew around them as well.


The biggest draw is the vinumaca vents. Most of the vents have a construct over them. This allows for the bubbles to be more concentrated, and it lets the owners (mostly well-connected rich families from the upper class of the Oshamni Empire. Different vents have different intensities and flavors. Sometimes spices and herbs are added to give vents a different flavor artificially.   While the main draw of Strupralla is the vinumaca, it's growing location as a hub has attracted many merchants and tradesfish of all sorts.


As of yet, I'm not sure what Scaraquan architecture in general, but the area has enough wealth flowing through it that the locals will use architectural structures to flex status as much as they can with elaborate structures.


Warm and shallow. The waters are fairly calm and placid here. Sunlight pentrates to the sea floor easily here during the day.
Trade post
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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