Test Article for Primer Article on the Nine

Scarterra was created by the primordial god Turoch. In the Age Before Ages, Scarterra was little more than a cosmic farm. Mortals lived and died simply for Turoch to consume their souls, until Turoch's nine most powerful servants reluctantly joined forces to overthrow their tyrannical overlord in a cosmic battle known as the Divine Rebellion.
by me with Midjourney
  Turoch's former servants: Maylar, Mera, Korus, Nami, Greymoria, Khemra, Zarthus, Hallisan, and Phidas each fashioned a portion of Turoch's corpse into a tool or weapon which became a symbol of their power. These symbols of power are known as the Divine Trophies.  
Scarterra world cover
Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake
Before the Nine overthrew Turoch , the Nine established the Compact, an agreement on how the Nine would divide up management of the natural world and how they would apportion worshipers. No Scarterran mortal knows exactly what is or isn't in the compact but the Cult of the Compact claims to uphold it as best as mortals can do and they form the societal basis for how ordinary mortals worship the Nine.
  Deities have been bending and even breaking the tenets of the Compact since before Turoch's body starting cooling. The main aspect of the Compact that held up over time, was the establishment of the Dominions. Each Dominion encompasses a large portion of the natural world and each of the Nine has jurisdiction over one Dominion.   Originally the Nine agreed to split all mortal worship between them equally nine ways, but Nami bestowed all mortals with free will so they could choose to worship or not as they saw fit. Others eventually followed Nami's suit and gave mortals knowledge and tools in order to win their praise. This knowledge and power bestowed on mortalkind is collectively known as "Gifts.   Beyond the Dominions and the Gifts, certain aspects of the cosmos were reshaped by the actions of the Nine by unconsciously. The Divine Rebellion created the cosmic law the Dragons' Path, the Scarterran Zodiac, and the Void among other things.   The Nine rarely exercise their power against the mortal plane directly. They tend to use mortal divine casters, oracles or manifesting Spirits to act as their proxies in the mortal realm.  
The Nine can empower mortals to utilize a portion of the Nine's innate magic. These divine spell casters are called theurgists. Theurgists are either favored souls who are born as conduits of divine power or anointed who are imbued with divine power later in life due to their piety. Many mortals who are not theurgists nevertheless dedicated themselves to one or more of the Nine and act their agents and proxies in the mortal plane.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
  While the Cult of Compact works on worshiping the Nine as a whole, they are both aided and sometimes hindered by the Nonagon. "The Nonagon" collectively refers to all priests and priestesses of the Nine everywhere, but each nation and tribe has its own local version of the Nonagon in some fashion and these different Nonagons sometimes butt heads or even come into violent conflict.   Each broader priesthood is dedicated to one of the Nine, but even if they are not fully unified. While each priesthood has some traditions held world-wide across Scarterra, each priesthood has its own version of factions and schisms that all wish to influence mortal society towards their specific interpretation of their deity's will.  
As each Nonagon faction tries to influence individuals, communities, and whole nations towards their own ends, individual Scarterrans try to influence the Nonagon factions as everyone from loyal peasants to mighty monarchs tries to influence priests and priestess to serve their own ends creating a complex web of intrigue and politics that drives or at least exacerbates all conflicts in Scarterra.
by Me with Midjourney
  Some believe these shifting alliances and emnities unconsciously mimic the the shifting relationships of the Nine themselves and others believe that the Nine actually unconsciously follow mortal alliances and conflicts.    
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Hallisan is the god of minerals, strength, stone, chivalry, honor, justice, nobility, and skilled crafts.   Hallisan's primary followers are often called "the Guardians the Valor", or simply as Guardians.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Mera is the goddess of hearth fires, family, community, medicine, water, and harmony   Mera's primary followers are often called "the Tenders of the Sacred Hearth" or simply as Tenders.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Zarthus is the god of the moon, the tides, community, justice, cunning, investigation, art, music, revenge, and self-reliance.   Zarthus' primary followers are often called "the Lanterns of Zarthus" or simply as Lanterns.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Khemra is the goddess of the sun, literacy, traditional wisdom, history, law, and hierarchies   Khemra's primary followers are often called "the Keepers of the Compact" or simply as Keepers.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Korus is the god of plants (especially trees), natural cycles, agriculture, bridges, horses, mediation, reasoned wisdom, and dichotomies   Korus' primary followers are often called "The Stewards of Korus" or simply Stewards.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Nami is the goddess of weather, freedom, travel, merriment, unorthodox wisdom, cunning, and chaos   Nami's primary followers are often called "the Rovers on the Wind" or simply Rovers.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Phidas is the god of commerce, oaths, currency, contracts, punishment, maintaining face, protection, and hierarchies   Phidas' primary followers are often called "the Masks of Phidas" or simply Masks.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Greymoria is the goddess of magic, darkness, secrets, poison, death, monsters, and revenge.   Greymoria's primary followers are often called "the Children of the Dark Mother" or simply the Children.
Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney
Maylar is the god of disease, decay, strength, hunting, herding, cunning, violence, social darwinism, resilience, war, and self reliance.   Maylar's primary followers are often called "the Testers of Strength" or simply Testers.

Lore Articles related to the Nine

Scarterra world cover
Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake
  How ordinary mortals worship the Nine   Religious Based Slang Terms in Scarterra   the Nine's multiple names   Legendary Divine Talismans   The Barrier   What Defines a Mortal?   spirit loas

RPG rules related to the Nine

  So you want to play a divine magic caster?   Divine spell-casting, quick reference guide   Divine spell-casting, full rules   Spirit Loa RPG Rules

Cover image: Purple Cow Placeholder by Me with Midjourney


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