the Temple of Azure Shadows

The Temple of Azure Shadows is one of the most important temples controlled by Swynfaredian faction of Greymoria's Children.

Purpose / Function

The Temple of Azure Shadows serves many functions.   First, it serves as a workshop for creating large quantities of potions, thanks to the local abundance of amethyst trees.   Second, serves as a relatively private training ground for new acolytes. Primarily in magical lore and reagent lore, but increasingly this has become a headquarters for training new members in wilderness survival.  
by me with Midjourney
Third, it serves as a sort of diplomatic meeting hub for liasons between the Swynfaredian Children and the House Numaness, Advocates, Stewards of the Dominion, and Gilgren kobolds who for different reasons all consider the temple acceptable neutral ground.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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