
Blood Mystic Ujarek is technically the head priest of Maylar in the capital, sort of. He would much rather sleep under the sky than sleep under a temple roof. He spends as much of his time in the wilderness as possible. He gathers reagents in the wilderness. He mainly visits the capital (and the humble Maylar temple there to make potions and scrolls which one of his acolytes sells. He is not very discriminate about who he sells to.   Ujuarek would like to see the Herders' influence expand in Fumaya, but he is not very optimistic about it. He is tolerated in King's Lake but he is definitely not welcome there. He is the only head priest in Fumaya not invited to King Henryk's recent coronation. His working relationship with Kormatin the Keeper has recently improved his standing in Fumaya's Nonagon and gotten him some legitimacy in the western Border Baronies   “That which does not kill you makes you stronger” is an adage Maylar’s faithful love to recite. Maylar’s faithful frequently commit horrible acts in the name of making people strong. Ujarek does not. Ujarek is a member of the Herders of Men, the most benign faction in Maylar’s priesthood. Over the years, more mainstream Testers have mistaken Ujarek’s non-malicious attitude for weakness. Ujarek buried them all.   He has much respect for Fumayans in the north and the Borderlander humans. Life is hard there, so the people are strong. When visiting the north he’ll heal people for free. In the south regions of Fumaya, they have to pay lots of money for his help, given that he cannot rely on temple donations.

Ujarek is the token representative of the public Testers in Fumaya. He spends at least as much time in the wilderness as he does in his temple and sells reagents, scrolls, potions furs, and meats to whomever has coin. Including on one occasion, Neshik. He has also captured a Decadent that Kormatin missed and gave him to Kormatin to present to the king and warn of half-baked attempt to try to poison the Queen or her children.

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Ujarek Stats

  Willpower 7, 39 mana   Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 4, Appearance 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 2, Perception 3, Wits 3   Abilities: Alertness 2, Animal Ken 2, Archery 2 (+1 hunting), Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Crafts 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 1 (+1 lies), Etiquette 1 (+1 Nonagon), Hearth Wisdom 2, History 1, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1, Leadership 1, Legerdemain 1, Medicine 3, Melee 4, Politics 1 (+1 Fumaya), Ride 3, Seneschal 1 (+1 livestock), Stealth 3, Subterfuge 2, Survival 3, Theology 2   Divine Spheres: Crafts 2 (5 dice), Divination 1 (5 dice), Healing 3 (6 dice),   Merits: Divine Spellcaster, Shield proficiency, Opportunistic Brawler   Flaws: Heretic (Maylar circles), Probationary Member (polite Fumayan society)
Current Location
Year of Birth
1798 CE 40 Years old
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Known Languages
Common, Orcish
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Eron12 on Hero's Forge


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