Arripath Settlement in Scellia | World Anvil

Arripath (Air-ih-path)

Arripath is a mining city that has grown wealthy from the iron and copper mines. It has a robust and diverse populous, fair-sized market, and welcoming atmosphere.


Large stone walls, Standing Army, regular patrols outside the walls.

Industry & Trade

While originally a farming town, a large vein of metals was found a short distance from the city, and a mine was created.


  • Weaponsmith (Gregor's)
  • Armoursmith (Thali's)
  • General Smith (Fredrick's)
  • Various Taverns (The Glass Shield, The Cheering Hellhound, The Weeping Gorgon)
  • Various Inns (The White Dove, The Singing Siren)
  • Potion Shop (Botanika Magika)
  • Magic Item Shop (The Tenth Ring)
  • Medium Market (Various goods and trinkets)
  • General Supply Shop (Grass's)
  • A Grand Cathedral to The Ten. Features large spires andgothic design.
  • Edmund's Extravagants
  • The Little Pixie

Guilds and Factions

Headquarters of Felrind's mining guild.
The Felrind Academy of Higher Learning


Flat plains sparsely populated with abandoned farms begin around 2 hours outside the city. The farms feature overgrown fields and dilapidated farmhouses and barns. A short distance north of the city is a large camp that functions as the entrance to the mine that funds the city.

Natural Resources

Large veins of copper and iron.


  • Arripath Map
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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