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Ormitikós Centaur

Physical Description


The Ormitikòs Centaurs have a torso and head similar to those of a human being, but with horse legs. Their fur can range from dark brown to light gray, and their manes are often long and flowing. Their eyes are usually a deep color such as yellow, green or blue.

Centaurs grow hair in a thick mane starting at the top of the head and running down their spine to the base of their upper torso. They also grow long, thick tails. How they care for, trim, or tie their hair is one of the few genuine elements of centaur fashion. Insulting their hair in any regard is highly offensive.

Centaurs have very large and complex bodies, requiring a high degree of maintenance on their behalf. First and foremost, their body demands 4 times the normal food consumption, and twice the normal water consumption, of a human. They also have a high oxygen demand, and they breathe heavier than most horses, but their high lung capacity allows them to hold their breath for roughly the same duration as most humanoids.

Centaurs are born in much the same way as a horse, and their bodies mature rapidly. They reach physical maturity by the age of three, but are considered to be "adults" only after proving themselves in a number of different regards, including service to the group, completing training or education provided by the herd, undergoing a trial of maturity, combat, or survival, and other milestones set by the individual herd.

The upper torso contains the impressively large lungs, heart, (Located roughly where a human's liver would be, though closer to medial) and primary stomach, as well as a number of periphery organs. The lower torso contains the remaining digestive system and organs.

Their digestive system is quite long and has four separate stomachs in a series. Each section of the digestive system is specialized to optimize extraction of certain types of chemicals. As a result, they are fully omnivorous. As a consequence, however, they are extremely sensitive to ingested poisons, particularly alcohol. Even a small amount of alcohol can fully inebriate an adult centaur in moments.

Many would imagine centaurs to be awkward and stiff due to their unusual anatomy, though this could not be farther from the truth. Most centaurs are flexible enough that they can touch every part of their body with their hands, and some can even touch their face to their rump or back heels. Centaurs are known for their graceful, deliberate movement, which contrasts against the halting, nervous movements of other hoofed creatures such as horses.



The Ormitikòs Centaurs are very proud of their nomadic culture and their hunting skills. They live in small tribes that move their camps to follow food and water. They are very attached to nature and try not to damage the environment in which they live. They have a strong oral tradition and tell stories of hunting and legendary heroes.

They are also skilled at making beautiful handicrafts such as jewelry, rugs, and blankets. Centaur craftsmanship is distinctive, with colors and shapes unlike any other culture on Valenor, these artifacts are highly prized and can achieve remarkable valuations. The same thing goes for the Ormitikòs bows and arrows, which are considered among the best products of the kind.  


The Ormitikòs have an animist religion, which attributes a soul to all the elements of nature. They believe that animal and plant spirits play an important role in their life and survival. They perform ceremonies to honor these spirits and to ask for their help when hunting or gathering.

Their cults are different from the organized religion of the Church of Danu, but they share many fundamental concepts about nature and its respect. Many Ormitikòs, especially among the young and among those who live with the elves, can choose to become Druids or Priests of Danu.  


The Ormitikòs Centaurs are known for their hunting skills and use of bows. They are also skilled in working with leather and fur, and in making carpets and blankets. They are athletic and fast, making them well suited for running and fighting. In combat against other centaurs or when they have to fight hand to hand, the Ormitikòs use a short pike, which they use as a cavalry lance.

They are also adept at using herbs and plants for healing purposes and crafting weapons and tools from local raw materials.



The Ormitikòs centaurs are semi-nomadic and live in tents made of animal skin and other local raw materials. These tents are lightweight and portable, suiting their traveling life. When tribes find a suitable location, they may build small settlements of wood and stone, with a large central tent used as a gathering place.



The Ormitikòs centaurs are mostly vegetarians and feed on herbs, roots, berries, mushrooms and leaves. However, they do not disdain to hunt for meat, but in a limited way that respects the forest and nature.



Ormitikòs society is based on tribes, usually ranging aroun 100-200 individuals with a tribal chief who makes important decisions in consultation with the other centaur elders of the tribe.

Nomadic hunter-gatherers, centaurs organise themselves into migratory herds. Ormitikòs migrations can span all the forest of Arborea and can take multiple generations to complete. A conflict between herds is rare, as crossing paths is usually a predictable and beneficial event, however, some herds have lingering animosity from long past conflicts.

Centaurs reach maturity very young but are not considered adults until they can prove themselves ready. Different herds, each with varying values, have different criteria for this. Most revolve around passing several natural milestones or tests, others focus on the individual completing education or apprenticeship to become a useful member of the herd, and a few more aggressive herds even have trials by combat or survival.

Elderly and sick centaurs who cannot keep up are left behind. Most are not long for the world when this happens, but a few linger on, taking up residence among settled people. Some settlements owe their very existence to the knowledge of such centaurs.

Though few centaurs wear much clothing at all, most do adorn themselves with practical articles, such as belts, or warm coverings in inclimate weather. Those few who join a settled culture usually wear some degree of clothing simply for the purposes of fitting in or reducing the reactions of others. In any case, fashion in any aesthetic sense is uncommon among centaurs.

Among settled populations, particularly humans, centaurs are often found ostracized. Most homes aren't built to accommodate their oddly shaped bodies, and their hooves damage floors and leave mud tracks. As such, there are many human homes and establishments will categorically deny access to the Ormitikòs. Worse, other races (not elves) tend to wow and stereotype centaurs. Part of this is due to their nakedness and can be remedied by dressing themselves, albeit, at some cost, as few tailors study the art of dressing a horse and a man together. However, their facial features, unusual appearance, and strange customs make homogenization difficult for them. Among the Dwarves, they are usually not rejected, as hooves do not mar stone, but they often don't fit very well into Dwarf shelters. The elves have had a long-standing peace with the centaurs, and the two races respect each other deeply.

The relationship between the Centauri Ormitikòs and the elves of Arborea has generally been peaceful and cooperative. They have lived together in the forest for centuries and have developed a relationship of mutual respect based on knowledge and understanding of each other's cultures and traditions. The Ormitikòs centaurs, being creatures of the forest, have had a deep connection with nature and this has created a natural affinity with the elves, who are also considered to be children of nature.

Together, the centaurs and elves maintained and preserved the balance of the forest of Arborea, fighting against the forces that sought to destroy or alter this balance. They also shared knowledge and skills in metalworking, hunting, and medicine, creating a positive interdependence between the two cultures.

Of course, there were some tensions and differences of opinion between the two groups, but these were resolved through peaceful communication and mediation. Overall, the relationship between the Ormitikòs centaurs and the elves of Arborea was one of mutual respect and collaboration, based on sharing common values and goals.

In the wars against the Phan invasion, the Ormitikòs Centaurs fought alongside the Elves of the Kingdom of Arborea, proving their reputation as fearsome warriors and scouts.

As a result of these battles, many Ormitikòs are left to live in elven towns and villages, proving once again that their wisdom and knowledge of nature are useful and well appreciated.


Centaur Names

As far as can be discerned, centaurs do track names but do not name families or bloodlines. Rather, a centaur tracks its immediate family by their individual names. To ask a centaur who his family is is to invoke a long list of names, titles, and descriptions. Centaurs do not consider this to be problematic or burdensome, rather, they consider it a reasonable format to describe the many complexities and facets of "family" as opposed to the crude and narrow "bloodline" distinction used by "civilized" cultures. For instance, as part of their family, a centaur may name their best friend, the leader of their herd, and two kind and brave humans they have repeatedly crossed paths with, alongside their immediate parents, siblings, and children. The following list of names contains examples from fiction, myth, and whole-cloth creativity.

Male: Chiron, Nessus, Pholus, Centaurus, Sajacks, Elatus, Eurytion, Hylaeus, Latreus, Oreus, Oreius Rhaecus, Cyllerus, Polkan, Glenstorm, Ironhoof, Suncloud, Rainstone, Roonwit, Cloudbirth, Windmane, Firenze, Bane, Magorian, Ronan, Apis, Dantares, Gadfort, Jaro, Kashing, Pelle, Vankar, Varios, Pai.

Female: Endeis, Hippe, Melanippe, Euippe, Ocyrhoe, Carystus, Hylonome, Cybel, Dawn, Mae.


Centaur Traits

The nomadic horsefolk of the wilds.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, your charisma get a -1 and either your Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 1 (your choice).
Age. Centaurs experience rapid maturity, reaching physical maturity at age 3, but they have expansive life spans. Ranging from 300-500 years old.
Alignment. Prone to maintaining ancient patterns and traditions while simultaneously defying the formal societal order, centaurs tend toward neutrality in all regards.
Size. Most centaurs stand between 180cm and 210cm tall, and their horse bodies are about 200-240 cm long. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 8 Hex.
Horse Build. Even though your size is Large (1x2 Hex), your upper, humanoid torso is still of similar scale to that of other humanoid races. You use equipment and wield weapons as if you were a Medium-sized creature. You have twice the carrying capacity of a Medium creature, and you require four times as much food and water as a Medium creature would.
Hooves. You are never unarmed. Your hooves are a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you make an unarmed strike with your hooves, the damage die for your unarmed strike is a 1D8. You are considered proficient in these strikes.
Nomadic Heritage. By the time a centaur reaches adulthood, they have become experts at navigating the lands that they are most familiar with. Choose one of the following environments: deserts, forests, grasslands, hills or mountains. While you are traveling through the chosen environment, you add +2 to Knowledge (Nature), Spot, Listen and Survival checks related to your immediate surroundings. Additionally, you ignore difficult terrain while in your chosen environment.
Trample. When you use your action to take the Dash action on your turn, you may make one attack with your hooves as a bonus action.
Ungainly. You cannot make use of mounts and have trouble with things your humanoid counterparts may not such as climbing stairs, ladders, and rope.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Low Elven, and Elder Elven.

Ormitikós Centaur Warrior
Ormitikós Centaur Warrior

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