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Paolo Fresu, Elder of Barbaria


### **Paolo Fresu**

#### **History**

Paolo Fresu is a legendary figure in the Free Lands of Barbaria, known as one of the most determined heroes of the revolution that overthrew the tyrannical reign of Prince Istevene II. Born and raised as a slave in the territories of Barbaria, Paolo suffered countless abuses and deprivations, developing a deep hatred towards slavery. During the revolution, Paul distinguished himself as an extraordinary fighter, leading a company of revolutionaries with great courage and strategy. His leadership during the assault on Burbera, the capital, made him a symbol of the struggle for freedom.


During one of the toughest battles, Paolo was wounded in the face by a cursed blade that cost him his left eye and left a deep scar that not even the most powerful magic was able to heal. This sign became the symbol of his dedication and sacrifice for the revolutionary cause. After the victory, Paul was acclaimed as head of the **National Revolutionary Committee** and became the de facto leader of the nation. Despite his power, he asked to be called simply "elder," rejecting titles that would separate him from the people he fought to liberate.

#### **Character and Personality**

Paolo Fresu is a man of unwavering integrity and great humility. He is deeply convinced of equality and social justice, and firmly opposes any form of oppression. His hatred for slavery is palpable, the result of the suffering he suffered in his youth, and this feeling guides many of his political decisions. Paolo is also extremely pragmatic; he knows that the revolution is only the beginning and that building a just nation requires compromises and difficult decisions. Despite his physical and mental scars, he remains a stoic and resolute figure, determined not to allow the sacrifices of the revolution to be wasted.


His leadership is characterized by great empathy and respect for the weakest, but also by ruthlessness towards the enemies of freedom, in particular towards slavers and their allies. Paul is also a deeply thoughtful man, often tormented by the difficulties of building a just society in a world full of corruption and violence.

#### **Relationships and Conflicts**

Paolo Fresu is a leader admired by many, but also feared and hated by those who lost power and privileges due to the revolution. He has a strong bond with the members of the National Revolutionary Committee, particularly with those who share his vision of a free and just Barbarian, such as Grazia Rava. However, his relationships are not without tension; factions exist within the committee with different visions of how to lead the country. Paolo must constantly mediate between the **Testa Dura** and the **Araolla**, trying to maintain unity without compromising his principles.


His greatest conflict, however, is with Prince Alexi, son of Istevene II. Paolo has sworn revenge against Alexi, determined to destroy everything that remains of the old regime. This personal hatred, however, risks distracting Paul from the necessary construction of the new nation, a danger that he himself is aware of having to face.

#### **Skills and Powers**

Paolo is an exceptional fighter, trained in the arts of war and guerrilla warfare. He is a master in the use of the sword and has extraordinary physical endurance, forged by the harsh trials he faced during the revolution. Although the wound to his face caused him to lose an eye, this did not weaken his ability in battle; rather, his scar became a symbol of his indomitableness.


In addition to his martial skills, Paolo is a natural leader, capable of inspiring and guiding his followers with the power of words alone. His oratory is powerful, full of passion and authenticity, capable of uniting the masses under a common cause. He does not possess magical powers, but his moral strength and charisma have an almost supernatural impact on those who follow him.


Paolo is also a skilled strategist and tactician, capable of drawing up complex plans and quickly adapting to changes on the battlefield. However, his true strength lies in his vision of a better world and his unwavering determination to make it happen.

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