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Libera Terra di Barbaria


### **The Free Lands of Barbaria**

#### **History of the Nation**
The Free Lands of Barbaria, a nation rich in natural resources, which is part of the Hansa League of Principalities. For centuries, the territory was ruled by the Torres dynasty, with the last prince, ** Istevene II **, known for his tyranny and heavy use of slavery in the mineral deposits and vast agricultural holdings. The population, oppressed and reduced to poverty, lived under the yoke of a corrupt and ruthless aristocracy.
  In 1202 NE, huge social inequalities and starving people led to a widespread revolution. The population rose up against the regime, giving rise to a bloody conflict that saw the overthrow of Istevene II and the end of his dynasty. Nobles who failed to escape were summarily executed, and all aristocratic property was confiscated by the new revolutionary government. The lands were redistributed among the peasants and freed slaves, while the mineral deposits, once the private property of the prince, became public goods.
#### **Government Structure**
The new government of the Free Lands of Barbaria is a nascent, albeit constantly evolving, democracy. At the head of the government is the **National Revolutionary Committee**, based in the Burbera capital. This body is made up of representatives of the various citizens' committees that took control of their respective areas during the revolution. The leadership of the Committee is in the hands of **Paolo Fresu**, considered a hero of the revolution and charismatic leader of the liberation movement.
  The governance structure is decentralized, with each city maintaining significant autonomy through local committees, which are responsible for pacifying and rebuilding the territory. These committees meet once a month in Burbera to discuss and address national problems, trying to find a balance between the different political factions that are emerging.
#### **Political Parties and Organizations**
The Free Lands of Barbaria are currently divided between two main political factions, which dominate the post-revolutionary landscape:  
  • **Le Teste Dure**: Led by **Antonio Gramci**, this group represents the most radical and popular faction. They argue that the right to vote should be extended to all male citizens, regardless of class or property. The Hardheads favor strict regulation of economic production, with the aim of avoiding the accumulation of private wealth that could threaten the new society.
  • **The Araolla**: This faction, most influential especially among high-level former revolutionaries, believes that only active citizens, i.e. those who directly contribute to society through work or military service, should have full civil rights and politicians. The Araollas favor an economy in which the state has limited control, allowing citizens to undertake agricultural, artisanal and industrial activities while remaining under state supervision.
  • Tensions between these two factions are on the rise, with rumors of possible new armed uprisings to decide the nation's future.
    #### **Current Situation**

    The situation in the Free Lands of Barbaria is complex and volatile. Although the revolution has freed the people from tyranny, the new government is struggling to stabilize the nation. The economy is in difficulty, with mineral deposits and infrastructure still partly destroyed, unproductive or inaccessible. Many people are out of work and reconstruction efforts are proceeding slowly.


    Popular sentiment is divided. On the one hand, there is satisfaction with the fall of the old regime and the abolition of slavery, on the other, there is growing concern about the new government's ability to guarantee order and prosperity. Crime, particularly smuggling and the sale of stolen goods, is on the rise, fueled by political instability and economic uncertainty.


    Furthermore, the other Principalities of the Hansa confederation, worried by these ideas and revolutionary violence, tried to marginalize Barbaria without openly supporting the regime of Istevene II (too corrupt, bloody and compromised), mainly reducing contacts between Barbaria and the other Principalities (carefully checking travelers). The main issue left pending is the theme of trade, as although the ownership of the deposits and land was in the hands of the nobles of Barbaria, the contracts and supplies of minerals and goods, as well as the investments coming from outside Barbaria, were not were respected and declared null and void by the Revolutionary Committee. In Diamantea the debate continues, trying to find a compromise between the parties that does not cause the secession of Barbaria from the confederation and the birth of an independent state on the shores of the Dark Sea.

    #### **Important Characters**
  • **Paolo Fresu**: President of the National Revolutionary Committee, Paolo is a symbol of the revolution and the fight for freedom. Although acclaimed as a leader, his authority is tested by growing internal divisions.
  • **Antonio Gramci**: Leader of the Teste Dure, Antonio is a fervent supporter of civil and political rights for the citizens of Barbaria and of state control over the economy. He is considered a revolutionary ideologue and a man of the people.
  • **Mariu Archesu**: Leader of the Araolla, Mariu is a pragmatic and influential figure, known for his ability to maneuver politically. He supports a government limited to active citizens albeit with less stringent economic regulations to encourage growth and development.
  • **Grazia Rava**: Leads the women's movement of Barbaria, claiming their contribution and sacrifice for the revolution and equal political and civil rights for women too. The movement she led organizes noisy and crowded demonstrations.
    #### **Locations and Resources**
  • **Burbera**: The nation's capital and headquarters of the National Revolutionary Committee. It is a nerve center for political and military activities, but also the scene of continuous clashes between different factions.
  • **Nerula Mining Deposits**: These deposits, rich in precious metals and gems, were one of the main sources of wealth of the old regime. Today they are under public control, but production has slowed due to a lack of organization and resources. Several mines have been occupied by monsters and other creatures and will need to be reconquered.
    #### **Folklore and Details**
    The revolution left an indelible mark on the popular culture of the Free Lands of Barbaria. Legends and songs tell of the heroic deeds of the revolutionaries, but also of the atrocious revenge against the nobles. Stories about the "Fantasmi delle Pilucche" (Wigs Phantoms), alleged vengeful spirits of the nobles executed in the city, are particularly widespread, contributing to a climate of tension and fear.
    Geopolitical, Free City
    Parent Organization

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    Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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