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Arvadas, 12 Aridia 1313 NE

Refugee at Anderas
Refugee at Anderas by Alberto Zanini
Yesterday, 11 Lunara, another 130 refugees arrived in the Migos march, fleeing the darkness that is invading the Kingdom of Sobral.
They will probably be hosted in the city of Anderas whose Margrave, Don Miguel Noa, promised welcome in his lands.

The refugees, more than 500 of whom left, all have painful and horrifying stories of encounters with monsters and creatures of the dark; but the most incredible story is that of their journey to Sobral itself.

Rejected by various cities in the province of Aturyol, with the sole fault of coming from a territory "loyal" to Prince Julian, this is clear proof of the exasperated political situation in the Kingdom of Sobral. In order to be rescued they had to change nation, until they arrived wounded and tried in our Confederation.

Federal Gazette - Arvadas, 12 Lunara 1313 NE

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