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Reign of Sobral

The Kingdom of Sobral is one of the oldest kingdoms in existence, it can trace its origins back to before the arrival of the Imperial invasion. The ruling Cajarza family is one of the most powerful and influential royal families in all of Valenor. Due to their profound religious faith and the countless works of art, temples, palaces and villas financed by them are also known by the name of "Kingdom of Splendour" or "The pious kings". If the expansion of darkness continues undisturbed, it will be the end of the kingdom which will split into two parts.  

****The Kingdom of Sobral:****



The Kingdom of Sobral, ancient and glorious, has a history that dates back to times immemorial, when legends merge with reality and the deeds of its rulers are sung in the tales of bards. Founded before the Imperial invasion, its ruling line of Cajarza has ruled with wisdom and devotion for generations.  
**Establishment of the Kingdom:**
Many centuries ago, when the lands of Valenor were still young and unexplored, a group of enterprising settlers led by the valiant King Aldric Cajarza founded the Kingdom of Sobral. Under his leadership, the kingdom prospered, expanding and becoming a beacon of civilization and progress in the region.  
**Wars against the Invaders:**
During its period of expansion, Sobral had to face numerous invasions by neighboring peoples eager to steal its riches. Led by valiant and capable rulers, such as King Haldor the Redeemer and Queen Isadora the Wise, the armies of Sobral repelled the invaders and preserved the kingdom's independence.  
**The Golden Age of the Cajarza Dinasty:**
Under the reign of King Idris II, the Cajarza House and the kingdom experienced an era of unprecedented splendor. During his reign, Sobral experienced an era of peace, prosperity and artistic and cultural development. Magnificent palaces, temples, and gardens were built, and the kingdom became renowned for its wealth and splendor.  
**The invasion of the Phan Empire:**
Like the other kingdoms of Valenor, the Sobral were unable to withstand the might of the empire, and were invaded. During the period of conquest of the The Almighty Empire the people resisted for a long time, with a guerrilla war that only ended with the withdrawal of the Empire. A retreat that was obtained thanks to the support of the Chi people, with whom bonds of coexistence and brotherhood were established. Nowadays the Chi inhabit the north of the kingdom but are welcome in any city or village.  
**The Great Plague:**
However, the peace of Sobral was shattered by the arrival of the Great Plague, a terrible disease that decimated the population and threw the kingdom into chaos. It was only thanks to the determined leadership of King Aldric III and his alliance with the nomadic tribes of the plains that Sobral was able to survive the calamity and recover.  
**The Crusade against Darkness:**
One of the most glorious chapters in Sobral's history is the Crusade against the Darkness, led by the legendary King Arcturus IV. Faced with the growing threat of the Darkness, Arcturus gathered an army of valiant warriors and led a heroic campaign to free the lands of the kingdom from darkness. Through courage, sacrifice and determination, Sobral emerged victorious and renewed, known now as a beacon of hope and light in the fight against the forces of evil.  
**The Merchant League:**
When the Merchant League was founded, the Sobral Kingdom was one of the nerve centers and major financiers of the new entity. Having obtained the secret of the creation of the flying ships, various cities and villages engaged in a race against time to create a fleet capable of opposing the frightening The Invincible Fleet. Thanks to the victories obtained by the League, the Kingdom, tried and worn out by a struggle on two fronts, against the Empire and against the Darkness, almost reduced to bankruptcy by the enormous military expenses, has found new life in the flourishing trades born after its newfound independence.  
**The War for the Throne:**
The untimely death of Queen Magdalena (1286-1312 NE) threw the kingdom into despair and chaos. The pretenders to the throne compete for the crown in an all-out struggle, while the people suffer under the weight of civil war. Prince Julian Cajarza (1302-) prince of Vallerta and Drenudas (under the control of his cousin Enrique as guardian), is the younger brother of the deceased queen and fights to claim his right to the throne, supported by loyalists who see him as the rightful heir. Standing against him are the powerful Count Bernardo de Arturyol, determined to seize power for himself, and Felipe Maderas of Segovilla, a captain of the people who has risen from the ranks of the army to claim the crown.  
**Threat of Darkness:**
But the war for the throne is only one of the challenges plaguing the Kingdom of Sobral. The Darkness, an insidious and corrupt darkness, threatens to devour the kingdom from within. Already many lands have fallen under its dominion, and only a narrow strip of territory still resists its relentless advance. If the darkness is not stopped, the kingdom risks being torn in two, with catastrophic consequences for its people and its thousand-year-old culture.  

**Hope and Despair:**

But even in the midst of despair, there is still hope. Some believe that the true heir to the throne may be the chosen one destined to save the kingdom from darkness. With the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance, every choice and every action takes on enormous weight, and Sobral's future hangs on the edge of a precipice.  

***Sobral Kingdom Society:***

**Customs and traditions:**
The society of the Kingdom of Sobral is characterized by a deep sense of tradition and respect for the deities of the Valenor pantheon. The inhabitants are known for their friendliness, hospitality and sense of community. Family relationships are at the center of social life, and the family is considered the foundation of society. Festivals and religious celebrations are important occasions to bring the community together and honor the gods, with processions, sacred ceremonies and banquets.  
**Religious Holidays and Superstitions:**
The calendar is full of religious festivals dedicated to the various deities of Valenor's pantheon, with elaborate celebrations and sacred rites. Among the most important holidays is the Festival of Light, dedicated to Thalassa, goddess of the sea, during which light processions take place along the coasts and prayers are offered for the protection of sailors. There are also numerous superstitions related to navigation, agriculture and hunting, which influence people's daily habits and their ritual practices.  
**Resilience and Fighting Spirit:**
The long struggle against the Darkness has forged a strong and resilient people, characterized by an indomitable spirit and a firm determination to defend their land and their traditions. Even after the threat of the Phan Empire, the people of Sobral have demonstrated steadfast resistance, keeping the flame of freedom and sovereignty alive. Peaceful coexistence with the Chi people has further strengthened the bond between the two communities, leading to mutual collaboration and a sense of brotherhood that permeates Sobral society.  
**Commerce and Culture:**
Trade is a vital element of Sobral's identity, with the city of Rosegar serving as an important commercial and cultural hub in the kingdom. The trade streets are bustling with merchants from every corner of Valenor, offering a variety of goods and crafts. The wealth and advanced culture of the kingdom allow promising young people to access high-level institutions, such as schools of magic like the Masters of the Arcaneum, clerical studies in the temples of the city but mainly in the Gran Catedral and the Rosegar Military Academy, where the future leaders and defenders of the kingdom are trained.

By the will of the gods

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Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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