Adaar, The Lost

Adaar is the twin sister of Adva .   During the siege of the taskforce base, Adaar was taken by the hags and placed in a magical slumber by Baba Yaga.   Although she was returned, she remained in this slumber for a long time and was finally restored by the olde magic of Beinorin.   Prior to the event, Adaar was the softer side of the wild Adva. Since her rescue and olde magic intervention, she hasn't been the same. Her usually demeanor has been replaced by a silent, pensive type. Her once matching green eyes are now a blue and red. Scars cover her body but the healed scars are a dark void black. Her dark hair is starting to go grey. It is clear that the magical slumber and hold by the Hag and her coven have left quite the impact on her.