Parents Please Read

DnD is all about a creative space to express yourself.   It is very important to the Game Masters (GMs) that your child feels safe and heard at all times.   I always welcome parents to play or even just sit at the table to keep an eye on things.   As a GM, if needed I am more than happy to provide up to date Working with Children Check (WWCC) reports or any police clearances as needed. While I have a few reports already due to work, these last for 5 years and I would much rather get an updated one on request.   Any other GMs that plan to run games that children partake in along side me will also be allowed ONLY if they feel comfortable providing this directly to any parents that might ask of it.   My contact details are available to ensure parents can always reach me if needed.   At the same time, it is important that your child allows other children to feel safe. In the unfortunate event that a child violates any of the main rules and does not foster respect, I will immediately stop the game for all players and contact the parents/guardian.   Please note, I am not a baby sitter. I just run a comfortable and safe space for people of all ages to express their creativity.