SCP-021, Skin worm

General Summary

This mission was completed by: Cardiel, Max, bash and Donk.   Objective: This anomaly needs to be contained and brought back alive at all costs.    

SCP-021, Skin worm CR: 3 (700XP)

Small euclid, neutral
Armor Class: Depends on host or 15
Hit Points:
Speed: , can hover













Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: Fire, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
Senses: Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), Passive Perception 10
Languages: Telepathy 30 ft.
Challenge Rating: 3 (700XP)
This tattoo is fully animate within the confines of its host's skin and behaves largely as a normal animal would, albeit in only two dimensions. The tattoo's movement causes constant pain to its host, comparable and similar in character to simultaneous tattooing and tattoo removal on a large scale. The organism tends to spend most of its time on and near the torso. SCP-021 displays no intelligence beyond a basic pattern of feeding and locomotion, although actually measuring the intelligence of a two-dimensional life-form has proven impossible thus far.

Suggested Environments


Rewards Granted

XP Granted: 1,800 XP   No casualties will provide an additional reward of 500 gp.

Missions/Quests Completed

This mission was completed by: Cardiel, Max, bash and Donk. ... With 3 casualties and cling foil in a time that this does not exist.   The outcome of this was multiple forms of damage control due to the timeline exposed to artefacts from the future. In addition, the task force member known as "bash" has a wanted poster.   Cardiel was infected at one point. We will need to monitor him for after effects.

Character(s) interacted with

Gobble the Goblin.   Multiple others.


Reports suggest:
  • Energy being drained and hosts feeling "sluggish" in movement.
  • When at threat, some hosts report trying to get away from the threat or take action against it.
  • Report Date
    19 Jan 2023