SCP-244, Ice Fog Jar

General Summary

Mission Objective:





Temple of Water.  
It's not REALLY a temple. It's like a circle. Oh, yeah, no, this whole thing is a circle...but not a real circle, more like a freaky circle. Oh right the jar.   So, we have this freaky circle. In the middle is a spring fountain and the surrounding walls that make up this freaky circle, there are 12 niches in the wall.   We can't see the jar anywhere but have detected it's presence somewhere beneath the fountain. We can't destroy the fountain due to historic preservation.

Rewards Granted

XP Granted:

As per monster. Getting the jar back intact and undropped will reward the team with one of the four:  

Other Rewards

Loot Chest: Medium Potential for hoard depending on player levels/choice of difficulty.
Whatever SCP-244 is composed of, it is certainly not normal water vapor. At those temperatures, mere water would surely become a solid, as indeed would most gases.   The jar is to remain closed at ALL times.
Report Date
26 Feb 2023