SCP-266, Will o' the Wisp

General Summary

Objective: Containment Protect

Partially Completed

SCP-266, Will O The Wisp CR: 1/2 (100XP)

Tiny euclid, neutral
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 12
Speed: -1 ft , can hover


6 -2


15 +2


8 -1


10 +0


18 +4


3 -4

Saving Throws: Con +1 | Wis +6
Damage Vulnerabilities: Unknown
Damage Resistances: Unknown but has been identified as a gaseous body.
Damage Immunities: cold, fire
Condition Immunities: blinded, prone
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft, Passive perception 16.   Senses heat at will.
Languages: Gaelic
Challenge Rating: 1/2 (100XP)


Prolong exposure can lead to exhaustion/fatigue.

Typically seen over bogs, swamps or marshes.

Red: Turned Purple: Turning/Neutral Blue: Safe and may try to warn. Blue appears to be afraid of Purple wisps.

Suggested Environments


Rewards Granted

XP Granted: Each site secured and threats neutralised will gain 2,300XP to share. Currently 2/3 sites remain.   Bead of Frost: May require specialised tools (Alchemist) or hold the position of researcher at SCP.

Missions/Quests Completed

Initial Investigation by: Donk, Bash, Maximus, Ryanz, Magnus   The mission was completed succesfully however, it was only when our task force landed did we realise something was very wrong. Site 400 (1712) - Compromised and the mission CONTINUES.     Report by Ryanz, 28th Jan, 7291
We landed in Ireland, Kira met us at the landing zone and teleported us to a swamp Plains. We were surrounded by blue and Purple Wisps. They guided us to a house - saying we could find warmth there. Bash heard them whisper "we are getting closer to her..." We got closer to the house - Ryanz thought is was a trap and slowed down his walking, and was "attack" with cold damage. He decided to move on forward toward the house. Bash approached the house and - saw Kira. It didn't seem right...Ryanz said the attacked me - they hurt me. Battle began. Wisps attacked - "Kira" attacked - game was on. Maximus glassed jarred his attacking wisp. And created a magical tenticle.   Bash bashed "Kira" until she turned into Hag. Hag was taking damage and then disappeared.   Maximus entered the house, Bash left and then the Hag reappeared and attacked Maximus - with a few spells we finished off the hag secured Wisps and then headed back to landing zone 400. Modern forces were there and teleported us back to SCP.


Usually travel in packs.   UPDATE: As per the task force investigation. Wisps have changed due to the influence of a coven of hags. They need to be taken down and Site 400 needs to be secured.
  This SCP is fond of warmth and will actively seek sources of heat, natural or artificial. Extended exposure without protection will lead to death by acute hypothermia.   While not aggressive, SCP-266 will grow discontent and even hostile when not provided with adequate heat, and has exhibited the capability to cause considerable havoc when deprived of warmth. Human contact has also been observed to aid in calming SCP-266, suggesting a need or desire for social interaction.   Some task force members are able to communicate with it.
Report Date
22 Jan 2023