SCP-352-1 Baba Yaga

General Summary

Objective: Eliminate

SCP-352-1 Baba Yaga - CR: 20 (25,000 XP)
Hit DiceNot Immortal
Speed40 ft., fly 30 ft
OrganizationThe Coven
AlignmentChaotic Evil
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities necrotic
Condition Immunities: frightened, poisoned
Armor Class (AC)Unknown
Creatures of lower intelligence appear to obey her every will.
Appears to fly in a mortar and pestle.

Has many ways to attack, however is known to throw her teeth at hostiles that is assumed to be sentient.

Rewards Granted

XP Granted: 25,000 XP


Other Rewards.

(Multiple rewards can be acquired in exchange for a hero point) Example Roll
A total of 375,000 gp worth of coins, art objects, and/or gems, as follows: 350,000 gp in coinage:   31,000 pp 40,000 gp   2,500 gp art objects (×10; worth 25,000 gp total):   Fine gold chain set with a fire opal, ×2 Eye patch with a mock eye set in blue sapphire and moonstone, ×2 A necklace string of small pink pearls, ×2 Platinum bracelet set with a sapphire Embroidered glove set with jewel chips, ×3   Magic Items (Table E) (×3)   Arrow of Slaying (Rolled 98) [reroll] Potion of Storm Giant Strength (Rolled 52) [reroll] Arrow of Slaying (Rolled 95)
  Body Loot/Additional Loot
Report Date
04 Feb 2023
Primary Location

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