SCP-963, Immortality

To be secured and handed to Dr. Jack Bright.


Dnd 5e SRD

SCP-963, Immortality

Wondrous Item After attunement, when the amulet comes into contact with the skin of a humanoid creature, it must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, a create must repeat the saving throw every turn they remain in contact with it. If it fails, you gain complete control of them for as long as they are touching the amulet.   If the amulet is removed within the first 30 days of wear, the previous wearer becomes paralysed. Adter 30 days, a copy of your soul is transferred into the wearer which allows you to control them even when they are not wearing the amulet.     Item is immune to all physical and elemental damage. Legendary (this item requires attunement) [To attune to ths item, you must be killed while wearing it. After this, your soul is contained in the amulet.]

An ornate amulet approximately 15 centimeters in circumference made from white gold, with thirteen (13) brilliant-cut diamonds surrounding an oval-cut ruby in a starburst pattern.

Cost: 500,000 Weight: 10 lb



It remains unknown how, why, or when the amulet was created. However, it was discovered in the personal effects of ██████ ███ , surrounded by a number of supernaturally-related books.
  Exercise caution handling this item. To be securely transported by Dr. Bright.