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Raven letter to Lazir

Salutations Lazir,   I am writing you as we are on our way towards the town of Clan Varg, more specifically the cave that houses their shrine, Iskjørka. During the last night, we were attacked, which is why I write you now, so that in the worst case of circumstances you have all been warned. Besides the Sending message I will use after we have hopefully dealt with the situation, I will attempt to send you another letter detailing the events within the town at my earliest oppertunity.   We have met with one Ulfr Holgata, a banished member of the Varg clan, in the forests. Through him we have learned that the Clan puts much trust into the wishes of their Wolf Spirit, interpreted by their shamans and shared to the village by their Chieftain. According to the few words their clan members shared with us before attacking, it is claimed that this wolf spirit has instructed them to allow and guide Clan Magnars forces through their lands.   However, after Ulfr investigated the shrine, they saw what I believe to be the form of this spirit, bound in black chains with red glyphs, and heard bells before falling unconcious. Because of this last detail shared, and the events of last night, where one of the wolves transformed into a grotesque demonic form, we have speculated what we believe to be the circumstance in the village.   Around 3 weeks ago, we encountered a demonic creature within the blood iron mines near Veita. At the time, we were uncertain as to his purpose there, and were unable to kill the creature before it fled. We have since called it Bellface, due to the simple fact that its face was covered in bells. For further details on this creature, I have added a Creature Rapport to this letter, which has also been shared with the Veita guard. The most important fact of it is that it mainly uses shapeshifting to convince people they are something they are not, and uses Charms as a seemingly last resort to enthrall others to do their bidding in a fight.   Due to the fact that Ulfr heard bells near the spirit, and the encounter with another demonic creature, it is our belief that one of two situations is currently the case; Clan Vargs wolf spirit is currently imprisoned, and either the Bellfaced demon is pretending to be it to influence the clans Chieftain, or the Bellfaced demon is impersonating the Chieftain. The clan itself is unaware, follows his command and is convinced we are liars and mean harm to them.   We are planning an infiltration of Iskjørka, to free the spirit and kill the demon, through a series of tunnels. Should we not succeed, please note that the clan is hostile to outsiders, and if this demon is left unchecked, it could grow in influence and power.   If you have not received a Sending message after the 2nd of Ranger's Raptor, please assume we have died in our attempt, and advise Hersir Erik as needed.   The Hearth watch over you all,
Scribe Astoro Roscoe Crelia IV  


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