BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 34

General Summary

22nd of Ranger's Scythe - Fighting a group of ghouls which had come to feast on the bodies of slain warriors, Regins orc friend killed them left and right, Juttar protected the priest, Scribe worked through Roscoe for the first time, and Beska's spellcasting stopped the Shadowghouls from attacking effectively. After the combat, the priest introduced himself as Alf, and thanks us for assisting in the fight, before moving on to ensure more bodies are burnt.   Regin also thanks us, and introduces her friend Gorzach, the both of which appear to be kindred spirits.   Regin mentions she knows we are going to visit Clan Varg and proposes a wager. Whoever can solve why the previously assumed dimwitted leader of the clan let an enemy army pass through their lands and join them in attacking Veilof from the back, can ask the other party whatever they want.   Juttar accepts the wager, after declining to gain the answers by joining Regin without Beska & Scribe, before the party continues on their journey south.
Report Date
23 Nov 2023
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