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Session 38

General Summary

24th of Ranger's Scythe - After leaving the cave system, we encounter Ulfr's father Liv Holgata, imprisoned along with another Shaman. He shares that the wolf chieftain has been acting without the wolf spirit's guidance. After freeing them and moving further into the cave, we encounter the chieftain and his head shaman. Juttar tries to reveal the truth about the Shamans identity but is not believed, until the chieftain is pushed of the ledge by him, barely saved by Scribe's feather fall. The shaman drops his disguise and introduces himself as Tsokanth, aka the Bellfaced Demon, wielding a bloodiron trident.   Combat begins, facing a large demon, which uses effects like confusion to incapacitate the party. Regin and Gorzach eventually join the fight, working to distract the demon, as Tsokanth mentions that we are being observed and retreats. Fighting several smaller creatures, we eventually clash with him deeper in the system. The fight is tough, Ulfr being controlled, Juttar going down and Scribe being counterspelled. Beska manages to wear him down with a Heat Metal spell, but not before he promises he'll see us all again.   After confirming it will take some time to free the Wolf Spirit, the Chieftain announces he will step down in favor of Ulfr as it's chosen. As a feast to celebrate is prepared, Scribe discovers the "observer" was Morgana, and is told they will be required back in Meropis soon.   After receiving some rewards for our efforts and starting the celebration, Juttar moves off to speak with Regin and Gorzach, having won their bet. He learns that she serves the Chieftain and has a mark of her own, while she assume's he must be the champion of The Maker.   Regin gained her mark as a rebellious child and eventually found a mentor, unknown to the rest of the village. She encountered Gorzach years later. She also shares that she apperently was not deemed ready for the Chieftain's Sword yet, it having burnt her hand. Meanwhile, Gorzach's Slayers Blade is fully functional and nothing can resist it.   Juttar shares that he believes to be the chosen of the Damned, and both wonder why the gods have appeared to them. She invites Juttar again to join them, but he declines, saying he has found his own way to gain the strength they need.   25th of Ranger's Scythe - After sending a message updating Lazir on the situation, Scribe shares their need to return to Meropis, asking if their friends will join them. Both agree, and Juttar shares how he gained his mark.   Living in a town named Veyning with his wife and kids, a giant was spotted in the wilds nearby. Joining a small force and with quite substantial losses, the group returns victorious to a destroyed and empty city. The others slowly leave until only Juttar remains, who almost ends it all, before being spoken to by a cloaked figure. After discussing with said figure over some time, Juttar eventually swore his oath; Fight to protect those in need, not to avenge with death and to always keep going. After accepting a hand to pull him up, the mark was left on his arm, and the figure dissapeared.   He met Erak Thorvald soon after, and spent some time with the lamented. He eventually realized he couldn't join them and set off in search of Zytpher.   26th of Ranger's Scythe - The group had a spa day in Astoro's Abode.   27th of Ranger's Scythe - After saying our goodbye's to the town, we prepared to be teleported by Morgana. After the unpleasant experience, Scribe, Juttar, Beska and Temper the horse appear within her office.

Missions/Quests Completed

Win the bet with Regin Hindar, by discovering the source of the strange events at the Wolf Mountain and killing the demon responsible.
Report Date
13 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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