BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 39

General Summary

27th of Ranger's Scythe - We started off with the newcomers introduction to the basic Meropis laws, sponsored by the Minters.   After that, introductions are made to Morgana and we discuss our adventures and enemies encountered. She advises to do some research into Bleakrock for Roscoe, and into demons incase Tsokanth decides to grace us with his presence again. Morgana also mentions that she could teleport Beska home to speak to their family, and possible work she has for us, as a friend of hers Lomas Bronzemask, is having trouble with things going missing.   Before leaving the office, Beska reads a new story in their book;   Once a place for those who were lost. A golden voice, a voice for the voiceless. But in the end its always those with gold that abuse their power. Either golden riches or a golden voice.   I can’t remember, not their name nor their voice nor the story that I am writing. And surely, I will forget that I even ever wrote this as soon I pass on this book.   For I hope the forgotten gold that was buried will remain so; forgotten. For this gold gives false power, and false power corrupts.   Juttar and Beska leave the office, while they discuss their pasts and deviating from their expected futures, deciding to visit home later. Meanwhile, Scribe and Morgana discuss Scribe's magical progress.   Leaving through the giant library within the building, we make our way through the maze-like streets of Meropis, past a variety of inhabitants and magical wonders. Passing guards at one of the magic gates, Beska and Juttar are given arm bands to be able to travel, and we move on to the Ambessy.   The district stands near The Tower, containing a variety of architecture such as Sturgian longhouses and a Monestary with a golden dragon statue at the entrance. Moving on, we enter Chateau de Crelia, where we meet Adeline the maid, before sitting down for brunch.

Rewards Granted

Were able to keep the Bloodiron spear gained from defeating Sven the Elder and the weird fey creature.
Report Date
16 May 2024
Primary Location
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