BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 42

General Summary

27th of Ranger's Scythe - After splitting up the party, Scribe stayed passed out on a table, Juttar spent the evening with the Embress and Beska went exploring the town. During said exploring, spotting a kobold making of with Scribe's shoes, and finding a passage into the sewers. Eventually, through one way or another, everyone made their way home.   28th of Ranger's Scythe - The next morning, Scribe asks for advice on apologizing and with advice attempts to make a croissant with Beska. Meeting Juttar at Cold silver, where he has started the basics of learning runesmithing with Dumdur Silverlock, where its decided his first project will be a shield.    After Scribe and Juttar apologize to each other, the party moves to the library to go through the previously gathered books. Beska's book about Dudley reads as a collection of fairytales, though not entirely accurate. Scribe brushes up on the basics of demonology, but has some issues with books in other languages. Juttar starts reading a book on runesmithing, but moves on to sketching his shield instead.   1st of Ranger's Raptor - A day of rest, Beska spends it by learning songs from one of the books, before speaking with Penny about the use of the sewers and the kobolds living there. Afterwards, she visists the monestary to learn more about the people living there and their purpose.   Juttar finishes his plans for the shield, and starts the work to be done for it. The decided rune will be Igis, which means protection.   Scribe takes another trip to visit Morgana, to gain assistance with the books that were difficult to translate due to the spell Comprehend Languages. Instead, they work together on a better solution. She also provides an adress and time to meet with Lomas Bronzemask.
Report Date
24 Jun 2024


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