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  The kingdom of Sturgia is divided into different layers of rulership and land ownership. The highest is the kingdom of Sturgia itself, with a king who is chosen.   Next are the Jarldoms which currently consist of;
  • Dalia, led by clan Hindar
  • Lyria, led by clan Gealin
  • Ragnia, led by clan Deepbrand
  • Temria, led by clan Rokvar
Below that are Thanedoms, such as Hjarta, led by clan Heartrest.   Below that are the Serfs, which consist of various smaller clans.



Thanks to the ogre presence and the high importance of power in Sturgia, practical art is most popular there. Metalsmithing and woodworking are most popular, particularly if combined with arms. However, poetry and music are very popular in Sturgia, mostly whenever they are about exploits and battles.

Mythology & Lore

The Hearth

Sturgians most often believe in the different gods of the Hearth that represent the different races. It consists of 6 named gods, who are said to once have been mortals during The Great Demon Wars roughly 700 years ago and saved Sturgia from Silistra’s king who is said to have summoned these demons. None of these gods have one single depiction, though some have traits that are commonly seen.   The Shepard, God of Agriculture and Home. When he is depicted, it is often as a male halfling.   The Chieftain, God of Clan and Loyalty, depicted as a male human. He is said to be the husband of The Slayer.   The Slayer, Goddess of Strength, Battle and Valour, depicted as a female orc. She is said to be the wife of The Chieftain.   The Skald, God of Fame, Feats and Ballads. He is said to often be a half orc, as he is the offspring of The Chieftain and The Slayer. In some rarer cases, he might be depicted as an half ogre or half-elven, as he represents all half-bloods. He was also born after the events of the war.   The Maker, God of Craftmanship and Construction, depicted as an Ogre man.   The Damned, who is less commonly worshipped and depicted. They are the Deity of Death, Magic and the Uncertain Future. When depicted it is most often as either a dragonborn or tiefling without a face, and they have no official associated gender. They are said to have sacrificed themselves during the war for the sake of their group, which caused them to become “damned”. What exactly is meant with becoming damned is unknown, but likely has a relation to the many unknowns about their being.  

Other worship

In the past, worshipped figures often took the form of animals, such as the wolf Varg, worshipped by clan Varg. Some regions still worship this way.   Sometimes sturgians also believe in older gods such as the dragons or from other countries such as Dranor.
Neighboring Nations



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