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General Information

Meropis is the city that lies on the island at the center of Parima in the Parima Sea. It houses the numerous wizards colleges and the only active Grimoire library on the continent. All countries of Parima send children who show promise in the magical arts to Meropis each year for them to potentially receive their grimoir. The city is neutral and actively tries to keep the peace between the countries of Parima. The city does not have walls around its perimeters, nevertheless, no invading force has ever managed to set foot on the island. Most ships are immediately destroyed either by the treacherous waters of the lake or Meropis's navy who can traverse the water without trouble.   The city itself is immense and covers every square inch of the island. Meropis is not grey brick and mortar however. The city is divided in blocks controlled by different factions with different outlooks on magic and laws that are held true in that section. In the center of it all resides a fortress called Fort Darkfell and The Tower on top of it.  

Notable buildings

Fort Darkfell historically housed the Beholder, a legendary guild that only accepts the strongest adventurers. These adventurers act as peacekeepers in the world and of Meropis. The fort has stood longer than the city, some accounts predate it to times before the sundering of the world. The fort is made of dark stone fused together in a way no stonecarver can make today. On sunny days the stone gives of a purpleish hue. The fort also houses the law inforcement of the city, The Eye.   More impressive is the 600 ft tall stepped tower atop the fortress made of white grey stone. Most times it is just called The Tower as a more apt name is not needed. It is visible across the entire city and even outside the island on clear days. It is mostly unknown what is actually inside the Tower, except for two layers, the Great Tome Library of Meropis and the top floor. The top floor of The Tower houses the founder and leader of the city, an age old wizard. He hasn't been seen outside of the tower for ages and rarely accepts visitors except for from foreign dignetaries, leaders of local factions and members of the Beholder.   An unlit beacon stands atop the tower. Legends say that in times of crisis The Wizard lights the beacon to rally Meropis's civil and magical defenses. This hasn't happened in a long time however, so now the beacon stands as a reminder of Meropis's unwavering strength.   The great Tome library of Meropis is the only Tome Library left in Parima. Every year children from all lands gather to receive their tomes and to begin their path ot becoming wizards.   The city also houses the Platinum Dragon, the biggest bank in New Parima.  

Sorcerer Schools

Sorcerer schools are more isolated. Their very nature dictates that no sorcerer casts spells in the same way. There are a few boarding schools where young sorcerers are highly regulated and taught how to control their powers. Only after graduating from these boarding schools can young sorcerers go to other schools to learn from other experts and apply it to their own magic.  

Connection between differing schools

The Wizard schools are all very interconnected. You have a few general schools that train most wizards until they reach maturity. Then there are a few specific schools for the different schools of magic. Although magic is neatly categorized in schools, in reality such lines are blurry. Therefore it is common for a renowned teacher in say abjuration to give classes at the school for evocation.   These connections also extend past districts. It isn’t uncommon for the Lorekeepers to work together with say the Shepherds flock and the Pathfinders to find new more efficient ways to grow crops or to find cures for diseases.  


Meropis is made up of a few factions that have their district that they govern and have a function within the city. Each faction leader has a seat on The Grand Council of Meropis which advises The Wizard. Another smaller council named The Council of Meropis has 7 representatives of each faction.   The Wizard is the head of the council and can veto any decision the council makes. In reality however, he rarely does so. He is present in many council meetings, but rarely gives input. He mostly listens and decides.   The last time someone went against the veto of the Wizard, their district got incinerated.   Sheperds Flock: Nature magic, produces most of the food of the city and keeps the city clean   The Minters: The Minters main role within Meropis is trade and taxes. All trade is done within this district and the Minters keep track and collect the taxes all other districts are owed.   The Pathfinders: Innovation, industry and discovery. They also maintain the ships that traverse the wild waters of the Pariman sea and the airships.   The Lorekeepers: As the name suggests, they record history and have the most extensive libraries in the known world. They are also mostly responsible for magical education.   The Eye of Meropis: (magical) law. They make sure that certain spells cannot be cast in Meropis, find (magical) criminals within but also outside Meropis.  

School leadership

Each school has its own hierarchy, most often one of the most experienced mages is the head of a school. Every few years however, a council is called to determine who will represent the Lorekeepers as a whole and thus the schools in the council of Meropis. Contests of magical might are held, but accolades are also examined to find a suitable faction leader.



Art blossoms like never before in Meropis. Where other countries rarely use magic in their art, within Meropis it is the norm. Illusionists wizards create more complex images each day and the Pathfinders are constantly looking for new ways to create.   Plays are also really popular in Meropis. Unlike theater in other countries that is often non-satirical, it isn’t uncommon to hear bawdy jokes about how the king of Torres has a small member in Meropis, to the chagrin of Torres. Architecture within meropis greatly differs between each district.


The Tower

The Tower is the oldest structure in Meropis. Who or what actually built the Tower in the center of the Island is unknown. But ancient records from before the Sundering do not mention a tower in the middle of Parima or on top of Fort Darkfell, which records show has actually been present in Parima. So it must have been constructed some time after the Sundering, most likely using magic.  

The joining of the Factions

For two hundred years the Tower stood alone on the island, a beacon within a very magically unstable region. Some wizards that survived the fall of Bleakrock already started living there, the first faction of Meropis was founded by Bjorn Snowskin, The Lorekeepers. In those times, all residents of Meropis lived inside the tower itself. This was due to the magical storms that made island itself uninhabitable.   The Minters who occupy the Silver District were among the founding fathers of Meropis. They are led by an individual named Altaniun, a mysterious seemingly immortal man who is also the owner of the Platinum Dragon, the worlds biggest and most influential bank.   Then The Wizard found a way to stabilise the island, making it possible for more people to live on the island. He invited notable people to the tower with a proposition to build a city to study and keep all different kinds of magic. He also asked all countries to send them their magically gifted children so that they could be trained in the arcane arts. At first, the Periman countries were reluctant, however, once they saw that having trained mages among their ranks could be to their benefit, many of them started sending children yearly.   The Wizard also invited the druids and magical beings of the forests to join Meropis. All but one Archdruid refused. That Archdruid later came to be known as the Great Shepherd. These druids helped with the construction and with growing the food supply of the growing city. They also gained their own district, which is commonly called the Green District.    The Wizard then invited religious leaders from the largest religions in the surrounding countries, with an offer for them to create a district with each other. This because The Wizard believed divine should be studied and preserved. The leaders bickered for hours on how to best rule the district, as not one religion wanted to be ruled by the others, but all thought that they should rule the others. After quite some time bickering amongst themselves, the Wizard sent them away saying that if they couldn't work together now that their district would never work. Ever since religious entities have not had much sway on the island.   Arround this same time the Eye of Meropis was founded by Triagon Rotan, a dwarf from what is now Dranor when the city was first being built. Its responsibilities were rapidly expanded after the Demon Incursion caused Meropis and its global role to grow substansially.   The Copper district was previously inhabited by a faction that strived for the magical domination of Parima. This entire faction (and its district) were destroyed in their attempted uprising. The Wizard gave this piece of land to a man named Lomas Bronzemask, a former adventurer who had seen the wonders of the world and believed magic and technology could be combined to create something greater.  

Military faction

Long ago, a district existed of a military sorcerer faction named the Golden Sword. They held the belief that the world would be better off in the control of Meropis. In the process they broke law, such as the 3rd section of the Meropis Conventions.   Because of their actions, and the ignoring of a veto of The Wizard, their district was incinerated.

Foreign Relations

Many countries have embassies in other countries. They also often meet in Meropis which acts as neutral ground.   Depending on the country some magical communication exists. Galduran, Meropis, some lords in Sturgia, Silistra and formerly Valois communicated with each other magically. Gorack and Westrum directly communicate with Sillistra, who then often communicate their messages to other countries.    Dranor has the capability to communicate magically with other countries, but rarely chooses to do so. If they do, it is most often one way communication from the priests in Thunderdeep.


Meropis Conventions

1. The summoning of extradimensional beings, creatures and others is forbidden by any.   2. The making of a deal or pact with an extradimensional being of any kind for any purpose is forbidden.   3. The use or subjection of undead for harmful use, such as war, is forbidden.  

Meropis License

A license documents which spells a magic user is able and allowed to cast.   Depending on your license and credentials, some spells will automatically fail in Meropis, so a license is very important there.
Geopolitical, City-state
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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