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Torres is led by His Majesty Lothair III Louis, who after a 2 year war has claimed Valois. The king of Valois is still officially the regent, but he doesn’t do anything without King Lothairs permission.  

Border relationships

Torres has a more adversarial stance towards neighbouring countries. Because of this, Valois used to import goods from Sturgia, Dranor and Galduran and export them to Torres. Trades like these have become more uncommon since the occupation.   There were official border checks between the two countries, but this mostly served for tax and trade purposes. Common folk never had to go through customs to cross the border.  

Mage Employment and Meropis License

In theory all countries acknowledge the license as most countries give magically gifted children to Meropis. However, Galduran and Torres mostly employ mages with a license from their own country of origin.   Torres has their own methods of educating sorcerers and will thus only accept sorcerers if they have gone through this process AND have a license.  

LGBT Rights

Central within the Sirina Doctrine is love. Love of all types is celebrated, and it isn’t uncommon to marry for love or have concubines for love. However as with many things, faith and inheritance complicate matters. Marriage is seen as a ritual to imitate Sirina and her husband and serves to forever bind two people together into one family with the hope of producing a family.   Making a child with your one true love is seen as the ultimate act of love. Gay couples are not necessarily discriminated because they cannot do this, but it is often seen as sad. Gay people in Torres and Valois therefore rarely wed each other. Gay nobles often still wed someone of the opposite sex to produce heirs. Unlike you would expect however, these marriages are still done with love at its centre, albeit a more platonic kind of love. This is because Lorrainians believe children need to be born out of love to be good and strong.   Summarised, you can kiss whoever you want and most people will not care.  


The Tabaxi have a tendency to travel and see the world. Most are not suspicious of Tabaxi, as they generally have no ill intent and are driven mostly by curiosity. However, Torres and Sillistra are not very welcoming to outsiders and thus they can be persecuted there. In Silistra this often results in some sort of banishment, while worse is possible in Torres.   Some people are fans of Tabaxi. However, many people simply don't see Tabaxi as people and therefore feel no empathy towards them.   Some peculiar nobles are known to hire almost exclusively Tabaxi maids. Although it is never said in their face, many others shun this practice.   In Valois however opinions of other races are generally more positive, although this has been changing as the Chantry gets more of a foothold in Valois.  

Last names

Peasants in Torres commonly do not register an official last name.



Nobles when introducing themselves always say their last and second names first and their given name last. The person superior is supposed to introduce themselves second. To flatter someone it is then common to introduce yourself first.


Lorrainians always make too much food. This is because they believe one should always be prepared for guests. This is the same reason that one should always have a place in their home where guests can rest.


It is common for Lorrainian townsfolk to come together once a month to sit around a large central fire for merriment. The town elder always closes the evening by beguiling stories of the past.


Art thrives in the Lorrainian countries. Currently they are obsessed with exploits and styles of the time before the Apocalypse. It isn’t uncommon for lords to have paintings of the assasination of Kihr or the climactic battle against Eralka.

Death customs

After someones death, a mask is made of their face, and placed on their tomb


Faith of Sirina. The Chantry in Torres has some differences with the Faith in Valois, but the Chantry has been eradicating other beliefs, including all religions they deem pagan.

Foreign Relations

Valois: Culturally they see them as family and respect them. However, they still see themselves as superior and as heirs to the Red Empire.   Sturgia: Most Torresians see Sturgians as savages that lack culture and intermingle with lesser races. They do respect their hardiness and strength however. It isn’t uncommon for Torresian nobles to hire Sturgian bodyguards or mercenaries.    Meropis: Generally Meropis is seen disapprovingly. They are the antithesis of one of the most important chants as Meropis is a city ruled by mages.   Sillistra: Dull people that do not know how to enjoy life! They also trust magic too much even though it has brought them so much ruin. Do they not learn from their mistakes?    Galduran: As Hobgoblins and Orc blood is common within Galduran and thanks to their frequent use of magic, many Torresians see them as monsters.

Mythology & Lore

According to the faith, Sirina ages ago descended where now the Black Peak is, and taught the people many things such as agricultural practices, winemaking and art, all still important in Lorrainian societies today. What happened next and where Sirina came from is where the two creeds diverge.

Cosmological Views

Torresian beliefs

In Torres the Chantries creed is dominant. The Chantry believes that Tarok is Sirinas father. Sirina herself was a halfgod who fled her father's divine realm to be with the humans whom she loved, so much that one day she fell for a mortal human man. Together they sired the Torresian royal family who pride themselves on their vermillion hair which they claim is a sign of their divine heritage.  

Valois beliefs

In Valois, they believe Sirina wed her divine husband Tarok, gave birth to their son and left the mortal realm in the hands of their offspring who would sire the Valoisian royal family. The silver manes prevalent in the Valois royal family comes from Tarok and is a sign of their divine heritage.

Political Influence & Intrigue

A king that isn’t supported by the Chantry does not stay king for long. The people believe that only a monarch blessed by Sirina can be a good monarch, therefore the Chantry has a large degree of influence.   Moreover, they have the authority to lock up magic users in order to protect Torres. This authority extends theoretically even for nobles. In reality however, only those without the power, be it political, monetary or magical to hide their gifts fall prey to the chantry.    Noble houses that make the wrong enemies or fall from favour often then miraculously get visited by the Inquisition for their gifted children or for alleged paganism or use of magic.


Scribe is from Torres
Founding Date
Around 300 years ago
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Red Kingdom
Head of State
Major Exports
The Lorrainian countries have a long history of animal husbandry. Torres has focused mostly on breeding horses, for war and sport.   Torrés mostly produces types of red wine. Torresian grapes thrive in the rich soil of the black peak under the warm sun.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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