Dr. Banneker

Gideon Banneker

Dr. Gideon Banneker was the lead artificer in charge of researching the recent migration away from Carrion. Hired by the Merchant Alliance concerning lack of trade, Dr. Banneker traveled alongside a small group of mercenaries in hopes of restoring supply routes between Carrion and the Midland traders. What he found was more than a simple logistics issue. Undead had been swarming the Underdark for weeks followed by a mysterious disease plaguing the citizens of Carrion. Finding Carrion's citizens struggling to maintain themselves against the hordes as well as an unknowable disease, Dr. Banneker set up shop and began fortifying the city against anything that could come its way. As skilled in Alchemy as he was in Engineering he spent what free time he had researching the disease in fervor, knowing well that he would soon contract it due to exposure.

Personality Characteristics


Dr. Banneker is an incredibly driven individual, always seeking out a new mystery to challenge.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's well versed in alchemical practices as well as basic engineering.

Vices & Personality flaws

Banneker is known to smoke quite heavily, staff regularly have to ventilate the emporium. He refuses to drink however on the account that he believes an alchemist should never consume their poisons.


Coming off as a rather messy individual, Banneker's stained façade does not take away from his overall cleanliness. Refusing to waste anything Banneker will continue to wear his permanently stained clothes until they fall to rags. The ingredients he works with are quite difficult to scrub out, to the detriment of his housekeeper.
Current Status
Researching within Carrion
Current Location
Current Residence
Banneker's Alchemical Emporium
Finely dressed, despite several stains of varying liquids adorning his clothes.
Dark Red
Short Grey Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation