Trelis District

The Trelis District is home to the Campus where Junior Sprouts learn, along with The Greenhouse where they reside, several training facilities where they sharpen their skills, and The Gardens they frequent for leisure.   Junior Sprouts live on campus typcially during the Winter, Spring, and Summer when they are not in their normal classes back at home. Some Junior Sprouts stay full-time at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. and are able to attend more classes all year round.


The Trelis District's population consists of Junior Sprouts and faculty members. Junior Sprouts can vary by appearance, age, and background. They can be from all over the world. They can be of any age up unto 18. Some Sprouts remain to finish their classes after becoming 18 or 19 but there are no Junior Sprouts over the age of 21 on campus. If a student is significantly delayed or recruited too near to adulthood, they will be added to the adult classes.


To help keep everyone safe and secure, there are lots of cameras and alarm systems installed all throughout the Trelis District. Drills are conducted regularly to help students get into the habit of what they should do if there ever is a security breach of some sort at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. headquarters. Guard Agents are both prominently and discreetly stationed all over the premises.

Industry & Trade

The Trelis District is home to a lot of little stores and booths for Junior Sprouts to frequent. Many also pick up a part-time job at these establishments to earn some extra money. It is not uncommon to find that some of the Sprouts are employed at gift shops, concession stands, convenience stores, and other hot spots that students often patronize. Adults can be found at most of these places as well in leadership and management positions. In addition to running business, these grown-ups are always on standby to assist if any children require assistance.


The Trelis District is not far from Jack Pine Tower. There are shuttle systems, along with rentable scooters and bikes that can be used to travel the short distance from one place to another.

Points of interest

Within the Trelis District are many areas and buildings. Many of them are designated for certain classes. There are also several training facilities. There is a way to access Albitrunca from within the school, by descending into the basement areas. It is rumored that Albitrunca spans far beyond this area as well.

Junior Sprout
Rank/Title | Jul 31, 2024
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   That's a nice place, the Trelis district. There are places to learn, grow, train, and relax. A lot of the kids like it. It gives them independence and a sense of power. There are supervisors all around and people to contact for safety, but the kiddos are really learning how life's gonna be when they get older.   Living in the Trelis District is remeniscent of being on a College Campus. Classes. Dorms. The whole place is where you live for a good chunk of early adulthood.   I remember my college days. Those were really wild, but not as wild as this camel I was watching on this funny animal compilation I saw the other day. I'm telling you, this camel was jumping and kicking and jumping around so much. I never saw a camel doing all that before. Have you? I need to find the video again so you can see it. Hold on. What did I search again?? Oh wait. Look at this one with the little goat yelling loud. Have you seen that before? It sounds like a human screaming!
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