The Gardens

In the midst of a bustling city, the garden is nestled within the Junior Sprouts campus. The Greenhouse dorms and school facilities surround the lush oasis that sits invitingly under several tall trees and surrounded by bushes and flowers. Benches are placed along stone paths where students can walk, talk, and relax.


The Gardens experience pleasant summers that are warm but not typically too hot, cool falls that are rainy and colorful, cold winters of snow, and rainy springs of growth. Throughout all the seasons, there are bound to be students about outside somewhere.

Fauna & Flora

Several plants thrive around the gardens. Most of them are quite mundane, but elaborate flowers can be seen planted in beds and island areas dispersed throughout the grounds.   The wildlife here is not very remarkable. Average city animals can be found. Squirrels, pigeons,, bugs, and the like are the garden's general residents. An occasional chipmunk may make an appearance.


The Gardens are nestled between the campus, The Greenhouse dorms, and not too far away from Jack Pine Tower. Most people who observe this area in passing believe it to be some sort of private college or other establishment. Outsiders are not allowed to enter its gates.

Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Have you been out to the gardens lately? They're really something. On a nice, warm day, you can sit under the trees with your laptop and just study and study. Back in the day, we didn't use those fancy portable computers much. Heck, we didn't even have mobile phones like this one right here. We had those old fashioned corded phones. Had to stand by the wall and talk on them. Then, they came out with the cordless phone, but people were always losing it, and nobody would put it back on the receiver. Made you want to tie a string around it and fasten it to the hook. And, doing that, you end up with a regular corded phone...only more tacky and more expensive. Makes no sense. Just stick to the basics.
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