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An ancient city in the Midlands, east of the Greenwold past the Eastering Heights mountains.   Trade between the Greenwold and neighboring realms has always been a hazardous affair - nevertheless gold is a powerful incentive to brave the dangers of the road. Nothing speaks to this more than the Old Trade Road - the oldest and longest road in the realm. The Old Trade Road, also known as the Long Road, was established between Grayhaven  and Mara in ancient days. Mara was a prosperous city-state with a proud and illustrious history stretching back into the mists of time. Situated in the Midlands - a realm far to the east of the Greenwold - Mara acted as the crossroads of the world in its heyday, connecting merchants and travelers from many lands.   The most prosperous of these roads was the route from Mara to Grayhaven. The great wealth of the city on the sea, and its hunger for fine goods, meant a steady flow of coin to Mara - and a steady need for guards. The Tanglebrier Forest bordering the road has always been a haunt for bold goblins, hungry wolves, territorial elves, and other threats. The route quickly earned a reputation as a training ground for heroes and knights. Any bard worth her salt can recite a dozen tales that begin with a caravan setting off down the Old Trade Road.   These days, the once-great city of Mara has fallen in its fortunes, a sad shadow of its former self, however, the Old Trade Road persists. The young and daring can still be found starting out their journey from the Heroes’ Gate in the city, ready for fresh adventure and new horizons.
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