Adar-Ko Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Horn of the wild, Little horn)

Home Plane: Elysium
Worshipers: Fey, fauns, forest creatures, druids, musicians, bards, wild men, athletes 
Clerics Alignments:NG, CG, CN, N, LG, LN
Favourite Weapon: A recurve, bladed bow

Divine Domains

Nature, Light, Beauty

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A curved horn

Tenets of Faith

Friendship, Animals, The forest, Spring, Nature, Life, Light, Protection, Beauty, Youth, The arts, Sports, Joy, Freedom, Creativity, Poetry, Music, Mirth

Physical Description

Body Features

Adar-Ko presents as a teenage faun boy, albeit with pale human features and somewhat of a taller, more athletic build.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good

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