Alyrria Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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Alyrria (Al-Ri-A)

(a.k.a. "Protector of the roads, the horizon")

Home Plane: The Crossroads
Worshipers: Travellers, Rogues, Merchants, Drifters, Survivalists, hunters
Clerics Alignments: All
Favourite Weapon: The Crossbow

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Cirlce depicting the sun and the red desert dirt

Tenets of Faith

Understand the value of rest and reflection, but remain ever ready to embark on new adventures. Let not your spirit grow idle, for stagnation is the antithesis of life.

Physical Description

Body Features

Alyrria generally appears as an unassuming female human traveller, lightly equipped and eager to travel
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity

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