Auriel Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Song of the Spheres")

Home Plane: Harmonium, the Celestial Orchestra   Worshipers: Musicians, Poets, Astral Travelers, Celestials   Clerics Alignments: NG, CG, LG   Favourite Weapon: "Harmony's Resonance," a lyre that tunes the essence of reality

Divine Domains

Music, Harmony, Stars

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lyre surrounded by a ring of stars, symbolizing the music that binds the cosmos

Tenets of Faith

The unity of all things through harmony, Inspiration through music, Exploration of the cosmic mysteries

Physical Description

Body Features

Auriel exists as a symphony of light and sound, an ever-shifting melody that weaves through the fabric of the universe. Her presence is not seen but felt as a vibration that aligns the soul with the cosmos, embodying the harmony that underpins existence. Her form, when perceived by mortals, resembles a constellation that sings the music of the spheres.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Good

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