Dagrupa Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Blind Warrior, The Stalwart)

Home Plane: Acheron
Worshipers:Warriors, monks, water elementals, stewards, protectors, artists, lawmakers
Clerics Alignments: LN, N, LG, NG
Favourite Weapon: A quarterstaff with a disconnected ring of light at the apex

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Peace, Mind

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eye peering through a blindfold with a cloth background

Tenets of Faith

Truth, Day, Hope, Peace, Protection, Water, Poetry, The arts.

Physical Description

Body Features

Dagrupa appears as a humanoid wrapped in a head to toe ghee, with a head comprised mostly of lavender and red leaves and no visible face.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral

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