Draexus Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Iron Tyrant ")

Home Plane: The Iron Hells   Worshippers: Tyrants, warlords, those who seek power through control   Clerics Alignments: LE, NE, LN   Favourite Weapon: "Dominion's Gavel," a warhammer that commands obedience

Divine Domains

War, Tyranny, Law

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A clenched fist holding a gavel, encased in iron

Tenets of Faith

Authority above all, The power of law, Strength through order

Physical Description

Body Features

Draexus appears as a towering figure clad in impenetrable iron armor, his eyes glowing with cold calculation. His voice, when he chooses to speak, echoes with the authority to bend wills.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Evil

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