Dwardir Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Father Crafter, The Stone First stone man)

Home Plane: The Material Plane
Worshipers:Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, Cavern creatures, Giants, blacksmiths, builders, chemists, Crafters, Artisans
Clerics Alignments: N, LN, CN, NG, NE, LG, CG
Favourite Weapon: A work hammer and tongs

Divine Domains

Forge, War, City

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hammer surrounded by the mountains of Dwardirs first arrival and home

Tenets of Faith

Mining, Stone, The forge, The mountain, Pride , War, Creativity

Physical Description

Body Features

Dwardir makes no effort to hide his appearance in any way, he appears as a large human/dwarf/elf hybrid man of gigantic size, with thick curly hair, and a face covered in burns.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Crafted by Gaia and Haposh

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