Envus Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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Home Plane: Limbo
Worshipers: Rogues, spiteful lovers, matriarchs, Illusionists, Prostitutes, Succubi, Spies, Hunters.
Clerics Alignments: CN, N, NE
Favourite Weapon: A poisoned hairpin

Divine Domains

Twilight, Trickery, Mind

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two eyes watching

Tenets of Faith

Dreams, Fertility, Illusions, Imagination, Lust, New things, Night, Sensation, Sleep, Stories, The hunt, Mysteries, Fate, Obsession, Jealousy

Physical Description

Body Features

Envus appears as a young beautiful woman, typically in the form relating to her worshipers or prey at the time, often adorned in green garments.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Neutral

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