Gnashluk Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Fury Unleashed")

Home Plane: The Bloodied Maelstrom   Worshipers: Berserkers, warlords, barbarians, evil beasts, monsters, cultists   Clerics' Alignments: CE, CN, NE   Favourite Weapon: "Rage's Edge," a jagged greatsword that thirsts for blood.

Divine Domains

War, Chaos, Destruction, Madness

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bloodied fang over a cracked skull.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the fury within. Destroy all who oppose you. Revel in the chaos of battle. Let hate fuel your power.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gnashluk manifests as a towering figure of terror, his form a grotesque amalgamation of the most fearsome aspects of predatory beasts and the darkness of the chaotic evil that festers within. Half his visage is that of a snarling beast, fangs dripping with venomous hate, while the other half bears the twisted, scarred features of a war-scarred warrior. His eyes, a pair of burning coals, radiate malevolence and the promise of endless slaughter. Gnashluk's body is covered in armor forged from the bones and sinews of his fallen enemies, constantly dripping with fresh blood. His presence is a storm of unbridled ferocity, a maelstrom of destruction that leaves nothing but despair and devastation in its wake.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil

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