Grick Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Dice Maker, Gold tooth)

Home Plane: Bytopia
Worshipers: Gnomes, gamblers, travellers, adventurers, merchants, musicians,
Clerics Alignments: ALL
Favourite Weapon: A concealed pick blunderbuss

Divine Domains

Trickery, Ambition, Mind

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A single golden Dice

Tenets of Faith

Pottery, Gold, Keys, Ambition, Greed, Pride, Plenty, Loss, Gems, Ignorance, Creativity, Inspiration, Joy, Mirth, Music, Laughter, Luck, Sensation

Physical Description

Body Features

Grick appears as an unassuming old male gnome, albeit he seems to pull all manner of gems and gold from nowhere.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good

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