Grushnakah Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The wild one, God of valour)

Home Plane: Ysgard
Worshipers: Beasts, Warriors, Barbarians, Canins, Mountainfolk, hunters, Athletes
Clerics Alignments: N, LN, CN, NG, LG, CG
Favourite Weapon: A double sided spear

Divine Domains

War, Strength, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two dogs back to back

Tenets of Faith

Dogs, Victory, Vigilance, Chains, Hope, Battle, The plains, The hills, Freedom, Mirth, Sports, Brewing, Laughter, Stories, The hunt,

Physical Description

Body Features

Grushnakah appears always in his humanoid form, being the first of the beast kind and father to many races of Seerth, he wears his appearance as a badge of honour.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Neutral

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