Guthraken Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The cosmic horror, The anti-life)

Home Plane: Unknown
Worshipers: Shadow creatures, destructionalists, occultists, monsters, demons, undead
Clerics Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Favourite Weapon: A tentacled whip with teeth

Divine Domains

Fate, Death, Mind, Twilight,

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A gaping maw

Tenets of Faith

Destruction, Madness, Monsters, Misfortune, Rage, Shadows, Slaughter, Terror, The deep,Sleep,Night, Fate, Death, Darkness, The void, Conquest

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Devouring all matter is Guthrakens ultimate goal

Physical Description

Body Features

Guthraken is an amorphous being that cannot maintain physical form as long as life and light exists. When manifesting a form, it is typically that of a million tentacles surrounding a gaping maw.
Divine Classification
Primordial God
Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
The inverse of the eternal tree

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