Haposh Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Mother and Father, The Defiant)

Home Plane: Carceri
Worshipers: Snakes, Scale Kind, Evil Priests, Scholars, Beasts, Assassins, Thieves, Evil Wizards
Clerics Alignments: NE, CE, LN, CN, N, CE, LE
Favourite Weapon: A sacrificial dagger

Divine Domains

War, Ambition, Zeal

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An androgynous set of eyes surrounded by snakes over an egg

Tenets of Faith

Fatherhood, Motherhood, Creation, Vengeance, Ambition, Oppression, Power, Slavery, Blood, Caves, Scaled things, Serpents, Poison

Physical Description

Body Features

Haposh rarely takes any form other than that of a large celestial snake of an undetermined sex. When engaging in the realms of men, a disguise of an androgynous beautiful human with clammy skin, red eyes and blood red lips.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Evil
Circumstances of Birth
A fallen branch of the eternal tree

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