Ildilyntra Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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Ildilyntra (Ill-Dill-In-Tra)

(a.k.a. The Eternal Cycle, The Reaper)

Home Plane: Outlands
Worshipers: Sages, Morticians, Nurses, Doctors, Midwives, Necromancers, Scholars
Clerics Alignments: LN, LG, LE, N
Favourite Weapon: A twisted Scythe

Divine Domains

Life, death, nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A triangle in a circle with a tree growing underneath

Tenets of Faith

Magic, Nature, Winter, War, Knowledge, Fate, Burial, Ancient things, Wisdom, Reason, Change, Life, Childbirth, Death, Grief, Loss, Sleep.   Dogma
The cyclical nature of life, death, and nature is celebrated and revered in Ildilyntra. Told in the wind's hushed tones, Ildilyntra explains to his devotees that recognising the natural order is the first rung on the ladder to divinity. In contrast, he shuns those who find joy in upsetting the natural order and praises his followers who take a minimalist approach with great benefits. True believers of Ildilyntra know that for every life that is taken, another is given. After death, only one's accomplishments and relationships can be remembered.   Clergy and Temples
There is little in the way of strict authority among Ildilyntras's adherents. His priests are well-respected for their discipline and deference to authority, but they are otherwise free to conduct their religious affairs in any way they see fit, so long as they uphold the tenets of the Eons faith. Ildilyntras clerics deal with matters of lawmaking, nature, the supernatural, death, and mourning. One of the tenets of the cleric code is that lower-ranking clerics must always give way to their superiors. In keeping with their natural environment, they accessorise their clothes with bones and organic materials.   As an alternative to building temples to Ildilyntra, his devotees instead erect massive standing stones at pivotal locations, such as at the crossroads of a civilisation bordering forests. Rarely, stones may be carved with potent runes that impart divine wisdom to those who are open to hearing the "cylce" and heeding its lessons.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ildilnytra appears as a hooded figured, covered in bones and moss, no facial features can be seen.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral

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