Lorendil Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Omniscient Guide")

Home Plane: Arcanis, the Library of Infinity   Worshipers: Scholars, Wizards, Teachers, Students   Clerics Alignments: N, LN, LG, NG   Favourite Weapon: "Quill of Knowledge," a staff that can inscribe runes of power in the air

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Magic, Wisdom

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open book with an eternal flame at its center, symbolizing the endless pursuit of knowledge

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge, Enlightenment, Discovery, Education, The Pursuit of Wisdom

Physical Description

Body Features

Lorendil appears as an ageless sage, robed in garments inscribed with runes and symbols of ancient wisdom. His eyes are deep pools of knowledge, glowing softly with the light of understanding. His voice is a gentle whisper, yet it carries the weight of aeons.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good

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