Lythia Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Flame Dancer)

Home Plane: Infernus   Worshipers: Fire performers, Smiths, Those who seek transformation through trial   Clerics Alignments: CN, CE, CG   Favourite Weapon: "Inferno's Grace," a pair of chakrams that ignite in flames

Divine Domains

Fire, Passion, Art, Rebellion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A flame encircled by a dance of sparks

Tenets of Faith

Let passion be your guide, Challenge norms, Transform through fire

Physical Description

Body Features

Lythia takes the form of a woman whose hair and garments are made of living flames. She moves with the grace and unpredictability of fire, her form constantly shifting in a mesmerizing dance.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral

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