Maelix Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "Serpents Tongue")

Home Plane: The Serpentine Burrow   Worshipers: Diplomats, Spies, Gamblers, Those who thrive in chaos   Clerics Alignments: CN, CG, CE   Favourite Weapon: "Fate's Fang," a dagger that can alter probabilities

Divine Domains

Luck, Deception, Strategy, Chaos

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A coiled serpent with two heads facing opposite directions, symbolizing the dual nature of chance and choice

Tenets of Faith

Embrace uncertainty, Manipulate the odds, Trust in chaos to reveal new paths

Physical Description

Body Features

Maelix is depicted as a chimeric figure, part human and part serpent, embodying the cunning and unpredictable nature of chaos. His skin has scales that shimmer in ever-changing colors, and his eyes gleam with the knowledge of untold possibilities. He moves with a hypnotic grace, always one step ahead of those around him, a true master of manipulation and strategy.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Neutral

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