Osskoh Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Keeper of history, The Law of the world)

Home Plane: Material Plane
Worshipers: Scholars, Wizards, Historians, Mathematicians, Engineers, Builders, Writers.
Clerics Alignments: LN, LE, LG
Favourite Weapon: A personal spell book

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Celestial book

Tenets of Faith

Wisdom, Ancient things, Writing, Mathematics, Ambition, Magic, Fate, Knowledge, History, Illusions, Change, Doors

Physical Description

Body Features

Osskoh appears as an elderly man, short sighted and unassuming. Often appearing in libraries, Osskoh delights in interacting with the people and getting first hand accounts on events of the world.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral

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